Dear Dojocho, welcome to the Shin Kaze online search form for existing Shin Kaze members who are already in the database. In order for the best possible match for the individual you are looking for make sure you have an accurate First and Last Name field (based on how the member was registered in the database) based on the spreadsheet of your dojo’s current roster and that you use the correct Dojo ID# (see table below). Without using the correct data you may find your search will not work properly.

The Information Management Committed (IMC) is working to simplify and streamline this administrative processes for the benefit of our member dojos.  Please follow these simple instructions in order to ensure that any search and update to the members information is accurate. 

Please let us know if you are having anyy issues <>.

  1. By using both the First and Last Name fields in combination with your Dojo ID# should make a successful search but only if the data you enter is the same as the data is the way that the members information is entered in the database. In order to ensure this, we suggest you copy and paste this information that you will find on the spreadsheet of your dojo roster that was provided as confirmation when you paid your annual dojo and members fee.
  2. Dojo Name and Dojo ID are very important fields to complete accurately as that is the way we connect each SK member to the appropriate home dojo where they practice. By selecting the correct Dojo Name you will find the correct Dojo ID# for the last field
  3. In case your search is not successful, it is possible that the member you are looking for is not registered in the database, in which case you can use the New Member’s Registration Form (either Kyu or Dan) or that you have not accurately input the search data in which case you should check your information and try again.